

Sunday - 10AM Worship Service

 February 10, 2025

 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

 2721 Delaware Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Every 2nd Monday of the Month!

Jennifer Dietz is leading acoustic worship and facilitating a Holy Spirit-filled gathering called “PRESENCE”.  This time is designed to soak in worship and facilitate depth into the presence of God where lies fullness of joy, peace and everything we need. ☺️

There will also be a portion dedicated to shared testimony’s and prayer-focus.

It has been awesome to see how the Lord is touching people and meeting even practical needs at a PRESENCE. To name one, at a recent PRESENCE, a man was stirred to purchase Spanish Bible’s for Bible-hungry single mothers sheltered at a facility in Guatemala. They will be sent down to these ladies with Jasmine who shared her testimony of incredible mission work there this past summer.  

Anything is possible when God’s people gather in His name centered on His Word, faith and love. In these trying times, we need the PRESENCE and power of God more than ever-along with the support, prayers and powerful testimonies of God’s faithfulness from our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ! This spiritual package produces strength in us to keep going. 

The evening will kick-off with worship leading into the testimonies followed by prayer-time. You are welcome to stick around past 9p to continue the fellowship.  Feel free to come and go as you please. God bless and see you Monday!

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